Around the southern coast of Sweden

The summer of 2020 wasn’t exactly perfect for international travel, so instead I started a new project – to bike along the coast of southern of Sweden. I started in Stockholm and did a few days at a time, left my bike properly locked at camping sites and with friends, picked it up a few days later and continued. I grew up in the north of Sweden, so this was pretty unfamiliar territory. To my surprise it was way prettier than I had imagined. The challenge is to avoid the highways, but Google Maps delivered, sometimes with a vengeance, through dense pine forests and across military practice fields.

Pushing my bike through dense pine forests, thanks to Google Maps.

But other parts were absolutely gorgeous.

Gorgeous spring forest, south of Valdemarsvik

And I will never forget the strong tail winds when I biked across Skåne in the very south of Sweden.

Strong tail wind, clear blue skies, ocean, bike.

The western coast of Sweden has excellent bike paths. The Kattegattleden bike trail goes from Helsingborg to Göteborg, and the southern half of that trail is a gem that can be biked by anyone. There are many towns and cities along the way, so it is easy to find accommodation.

Gentle bike path along the Kattegattleden.
Skinny dipping at the Haverdal beach

In 2023 I picked up this project again and continued north from Göteborg. My original plan was to go all the way to Oslo, but due to some logistics and calendar problems I only biked to Strömstad, by the border to Norway.

One of these days I might continue north along the Norwegian cost, if the weather is fine.

Tour details (grading from 1 – 5)

  • Time of year: April to October
  • Difficulty: 1
  • Duration: 2 weeks
  • Scenery: 3